Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Ethernet

Ethernet In early 1970’s, Xerox Corporation introduced a different networking concept called Ethernet. The thick coaxial media system was the first media system specified in the original Ethernet standard of 1980. Today most sites use twisted-pair media for connections to the desktop. Ethernet is designed to run on a single transmission line to which all stations are connected. As with token ring, Ethernet is peer-to-peer; however no monitoring device is requires. Unlike token ring, Ethernet does not require that stations wait for a token to be passed before transmitting. Stations are able to connect directly to one another and pass data any time there is no activity on the network. The 10-Mbps Ethernet media varieties include the original thick coaxial system, as well as thin coaxial, twisted-pair, and fiber optic systems. The most recent Ethernet standard defines the new 100-Mbps Fast Ethernet systems that operate over twisted-pair and fiber optic media. Picture of the first Ethernet There are several LAN technologies in use today, but Ethernet is by far the most popular. Industry estimates indicate that as of 1994 over 40 million Ethernet nodes had been installed worldwide. The widespread popularity of Ethernet ensures that there is a large market for Ethernet equipment, which also helps keep the technology competitively priced. From the time of the first Ethernet standard, the specifications and the rights to build Ethernet technology have been made easily available to anyone. This openness, combined with the ease of use and robustness of the Ethernet system, resulted in a large Ethernet market and is another reason Ethernet is so widely implemented in the computer industry. The vast majority of computer vendors today equip their products with 10-Mbps Ethernet attachments, making it possible to link all manner of computers with an Ethernet LAN. As the 100-Mbps standard becomes more widely adopted, computers are bei... Free Essays on Ethernet Free Essays on Ethernet Ethernet uses a protocol called CSMA/CD. This stands for Carrier Sense, Multiple Access, Collision Detect. The Multiple Access part means that every station is connected to a single copper wire, or a set of wires that are connected together to form a single data path. The Carrier Sense part says that before transmitting data, a station checks the wire to see if any other station is already sending something. If the LAN appears to be idle, then the station can begin to send data. An Ethernet station sends data at a rate of 10 megabits per second. That bit allows 100 nanoseconds per bit. Light and electricity travel about one foot in a nanosecond. Therefore, after the electric signal for the first bit has traveled about 100 feet down the wire, the station has begun to send the second bit. However, an Ethernet cable can run for hundreds of feet. If two stations are located, say, 250 feet apart on the same cable, and both begin transmitting at the same time, then they will be in the midd le of the third bit before the signal from each reaches the other station. This explains the need for the Collision Detect part. Two stations can begin to send data at the same time, and their signals will collide. When such a collision occurs, the two stations stop transmitting, and try again later after a randomly chosen delay period. While an Ethernet can be built using one common signal wire, such an arrangement is not flexible enough to wire most buildings. Unlike an ordinary telephone circuit, Ethernet wire cannot be just spliced together, connecting one copper wire to another. Ethernet requires a repeater. A repeater is a simple station that is connected to two wires. Any data that it receives on one wire it repeats bit-for-bit on the other wire. When collisions occur, it repeats the collision as well. In common practice, repeaters are used to convert the Ethernet signal from one type of wire to another. In particular, when the connection to the d... Free Essays on Ethernet Ethernet In early 1970’s, Xerox Corporation introduced a different networking concept called Ethernet. The thick coaxial media system was the first media system specified in the original Ethernet standard of 1980. Today most sites use twisted-pair media for connections to the desktop. Ethernet is designed to run on a single transmission line to which all stations are connected. As with token ring, Ethernet is peer-to-peer; however no monitoring device is requires. Unlike token ring, Ethernet does not require that stations wait for a token to be passed before transmitting. Stations are able to connect directly to one another and pass data any time there is no activity on the network. The 10-Mbps Ethernet media varieties include the original thick coaxial system, as well as thin coaxial, twisted-pair, and fiber optic systems. The most recent Ethernet standard defines the new 100-Mbps Fast Ethernet systems that operate over twisted-pair and fiber optic media. Picture of the first Ethernet There are several LAN technologies in use today, but Ethernet is by far the most popular. Industry estimates indicate that as of 1994 over 40 million Ethernet nodes had been installed worldwide. The widespread popularity of Ethernet ensures that there is a large market for Ethernet equipment, which also helps keep the technology competitively priced. From the time of the first Ethernet standard, the specifications and the rights to build Ethernet technology have been made easily available to anyone. This openness, combined with the ease of use and robustness of the Ethernet system, resulted in a large Ethernet market and is another reason Ethernet is so widely implemented in the computer industry. The vast majority of computer vendors today equip their products with 10-Mbps Ethernet attachments, making it possible to link all manner of computers with an Ethernet LAN. As the 100-Mbps standard becomes more widely adopted, computers are bei...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Send Information Between Delphi Apps With WM_COPYDATA

Send Information Between Delphi Apps With WM_COPYDATA There are many situation when you need to allow for two applications to communicate. If you do not want to mess with TCP and sockets communication (because both applications are running on the same machine), you can *simply* send (and properly receive) a special Windows message: WM_COPYDATA. Since handling Windows messages in Delphi is simple, issuing a SendMessage API call along with the WM_CopyData filled with the data to be sent is quite straight forward. WM_CopyData and TCopyDataStruct The WM_COPYDATA message enables you to send data from one application to another. The receiving application receives the data in a TCopyDataStruct record. The TCopyDataStruct is defined in the Windows.pas unit and wraps the COPYDATASTRUCT structure that contains the data to be passed. Heres the declaration and the description of the TCopyDataStruct record: type TCopyDataStruct packed record dwData: DWORD; //up to 32 bits of data to be passed to the receiving application cbData: DWORD; //the size, in bytes, of the data pointed to by the lpData member lpData: Pointer; //Points to data to be passed to the receiving application. This member can be nil. end; Send a String over WM_CopyData For a Sender application to send data to Receiver the CopyDataStruct must be filled and passed using the SendMessage function. Heres how to send a string value over WM_CopyData: procedure TSenderMainForm.SendString() ; var stringToSend : string; copyDataStruct : TCopyDataStruct; begin stringToSend : About Delphi Programming; copyDataStruct.dwData : 0; //use it to identify the message contents copyDataStruct.cbData : 1 Length(stringToSend) ; copyDataStruct.lpData : PChar(stringToSend) ; SendData(copyDataStruct) ; end; The SendData custom function locates the receiver using the FindWindow API call: procedure TSenderMainForm.SendData(const copyDataStruct: TCopyDataStruct) ; var   Ã‚  receiverHandle : THandle;   Ã‚  res : integer; begin   Ã‚  receiverHandle : FindWindow(PChar(TReceiverMainForm),PChar(ReceiverMainForm)) ;   Ã‚  if receiverHandle 0 then   Ã‚  begin   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ShowMessage(CopyData Receiver NOT found!) ;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Exit;   Ã‚  end;   Ã‚  res : SendMessage(receiverHandle, WM_COPYDATA, Integer(Handle), Integer(copyDataStruct)) ; end; In the code above, the Receiver application was found using the FindWindow API call by passing the class name of the main form (TReceiverMainForm) and the caption of the window (ReceiverMainForm). Note: The SendMessage returns an integer value assigned by the code that handled the WM_CopyData message. Handling WM_CopyData - Receiving a String The Receiver application handles the WM_CopyData mesage as in: type TReceiverMainForm class(TForm) private procedure WMCopyData(var Msg : TWMCopyData) ; message WM_COPYDATA; ... implementation ... procedure TReceiverMainForm.WMCopyData(var Msg: TWMCopyData) ; var s : string; begin s : PChar(Msg.CopyDataStruct.lpData) ; //Send something back msg.Result : 2006; end; The TWMCopyData record is declared as: TWMCopyData packed record Msg: Cardinal; From: HWND;//Handle of the Window that passed the data CopyDataStruct: PCopyDataStruct; //data passed Result: Longint;//Use it to send a value back to the Sender end; Sending String, Custom Record or an Image? The accompanying source code demonstrates how to send a string, record (complex data type) and even graphics (bitmap) to another application. If you cannot wait the download, heres how to send a TBitmap graphics: procedure TSenderMainForm.SendImage() ; var ms : TMemoryStream; bmp : TBitmap; copyDataStruct : TCopyDataStruct; begin ms : TMemoryStream.Create; try bmp : self.GetFormImage; try bmp.SaveToStream(ms) ; finally bmp.Free; end; copyDataStruct.dwData : Integer(cdtImage) ; // identify the data copyDataStruct.cbData : ms.Size; copyDataStruct.lpData : ms.Memory; SendData(copyDataStruct) ; finally ms.Free; end; end; And how to receive it: procedure TReceiverMainForm.HandleCopyDataImage( copyDataStruct: PCopyDataStruct) ; var ms: TMemoryStream; begin ms : TMemoryStream.Create; try ms.Write(copyDataStruct.lpData^, copyDataStruct.cbData) ; ms.Position : 0; receivedImage.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromStream(ms) ; finally ms.Free; end; end;

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Enron Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Enron - Research Paper Example The FERC required all energy merchants which operated under competitive market regimes to adhere to specific rules of operation. The rules prohibited conspiracy, manipulation, and the presentation of misleading or fake information (Public Citizen). Market manipulation as defined by the FERC included; giving of false information to transmission suppliers, wash trades, manufacture of false congestion, and conspiracy between merchants which are planned to artificially influence prices, circumstances or supply. SEC and CEOs The SEC requires CEOs of public utilities to give a certification of the truthfulness of financial reports they give. The Sec prescribes penalties of falsification of information of 10 years and 20 years for knowing and willful violations respectively. The provision may however prove to be difficult to impose since it is hard to determine if information was certified reckless or negligently as opposed to knowingly (Bumgardner). In addition a CEO making a required fina ncial restatement could be required to forfeit bonuses or profits attained from the sale of sale of company stock. The provision is however watered down by the lack of a proper definition of required and misconduct. The new law makes it possible to ban SEC violators from running public utilities even though the provision existed in earlier legislation. Stock Options The notion of stock options involves the granting of options which is dated earlier than the company granting date. The backdating of stock options makes the stock of value to the holder. Before Enron and the passage of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, companies were required to report the issue of these options to the Securities and Regulatory Commission in a maximum period of two months. This led to companies grant their options at their highs while dating it at their lows thus giving false information to investors (Kaldec). The enforcement of the Sarbanes Oxley Act now makes it harder for falsification of information since the companies are required to submit their option grants to the SEC in a maximum period of two days. Response to SOX The SOX regulations apply to all companies whose stocks trading in the US. Many executives of foreign companies have come out strongly to voice their dissatisfaction over the SOX Act while lobbying for exemption. Critics of the SOX have lambasted the SEC for punishing foreign corporations in countries which did not experience Enron type scandals (Byrnes 3-4). It also has to be observed that corporations in Asia and Europe are less likely to experience such scandals as management does not hinge so much on stock price as in the US. The Act has been criticized roundly for its potential ambiguities which would make its implementation in the various jurisdictions around the world to be cumbersome and expensive. Critics have also argued that the Act presents some uncertainties in its implementation since it may conflict with domestic legislation in foreign jurisdictions leadin g to increases in litigation costs (Lucci 8). RIAC While foreign corporations have criticized the SOX Act, the RIAC has been rather accommodating. The RIAC has acknowledged that the SOX has certain inherent ambiguities and potential difficulties in enforcement in the international arena. The RIAC has however asserted that SOX presents a very good standard on which governments the world over may come to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Personal letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal letter - Essay Example Different games would be Operation, Sorry, and CSI board games. The Beatles, The Bee Gees, and Korn are music from different generations. I had to research online about different generations. American schooling was another aspect of the book I read. American schooling is easier that in my homeland. American children also do not go year round. The texts are not as expansive as I am used to. The chapter of Living in a Postcolonial World was enlightening. This chapter showed how American society is made up of many cultures. Every major culture can be found in America. Globalization has made American borders less daunting. The Internet has also promoted globalization in America. In The Buddha of Suburbia, I learned a person does not have to be classified. Karim was Indian and British; gay and straight. Karim faced prejudices because he did not belong to one group or culture. The sex was a bit graphic, but it made the point clearer. This story also shows how post colonialism confuses identities. This story also shows that every individual has a unique story. Not all Indians have to be the same. Due to my cultural differences, I like to work alone. This way no one can see how I struggle with the English language. I can use the library and other methods to check my work. Spell check and hours at the library have helped some. When I did work with others, the experience was pleasant and beneficial. I like my classmates. They are friendly and helpful. My tutors are also very patient. The schools environment is good to learn in. The academia I have learned in America is altered from the schools in my homeland. I thought American schools would be very easy. I could not have been more wrong. Even though I took English courses back home, the courses here are more difficult. Due to my limited English, my need for a tutor, and my performance in class, I deserve no more than a C. I wish I could recommend

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Deforestation in Costa Rica Essay Example for Free

Deforestation in Costa Rica Essay Costa Rica is famous for it’s rainforests and vast biodiversity and ecosystems, including 12,000 species of plants, 1,239 species of butterflies, 838 species of birds, 440 species of reptiles and amphibians, and 232 species of mammals (Wikipedia), which overtime have become under threat due to deforestation. Since the end of World War II, 80 percent of Costa Rican forests have disappeared (Wikipedia). Various companies are cutting down forests, to provide land for there fruit plantations and cattle ranches. During the 1990s, Costa Rica had one of the worst deforestation rates in the world. Clearing out forests is causing flooding, desertification, sedimentation in rivers, loss of wildlife diversity, and is the number one contributor to global warming. The country has laws protecting certain areas of the forests, but only 25 percent of Costa Rican forests are completely protected from companies due to lenient laws (Viva Costa Rica). Businesses that are clearing out Costa Rican forests are contributing to the destruction of the earth’s environment. Beef production is the largest cause of deforestation in Costa Rica. Approximately 60 percent of Costa Rica has been cleared out to make room for cattle ranching (Algee, â€Å"Cattle Ranching†). During the 1960s, problems worsened when the United States offered Costa Rican cattle ranchers millions of dollars in loans to produce beef (Viva Costa Rica), so all the ranchers had the forests cleared for space for more cattle. After Costa Rica stopped shipping cattle to the U. S. , the country was left with bare spots, where trees were cleared out, and most of the cattle was moved to the Pacific Northwest side of Costa Rica. Fruit plantations are the second largest cause of deforestation in Costa Rica, specifically banana plantations. Banana plantations now cover 130,000 acres of previously forested land in Costa Rica (Guadua Bamboo). Bananas are Costa Rica’s main moneymaking industry. While certain conservation laws have been passed to protect areas from banana farming in Costa Rica, the government lacks the resources to enforce them. The banana industry is known for its dangerously high use of pesticides, which in the 1970s, caused thousands of plantation workers to become sterile (Guadua Bamboo). These pesticides used to maintain fruits, may enter the water systems and contaminate the water. Nutrient balance in the soil is also disrupted by the removal of the rainforests to make way for fruit plantations, by exhausting the soils and leaving them weak. Weak soil makes it challenging to maintain the land for agriculture. When a ground surface is stripped of vegetation, the upper soils becomes helpless to water erosion. Costa Rica loses about 860 million tons of valuable topsoil every year (Mongabay). Forests have a natural ability to absorb water when it rains, and release it slowly into rivers. Without the vast amounts of vegetation, flash floods are caused, the water rushes into the rivers, taking the sediment with it. Once the sediment builds up, the water no longer flows, and it floods the areas. The increased sediment load of rivers suffocates fish eggs, causing lower hatch rates, reducing the fishing industry. Erosion also destroys roads and highways that cross through the forest. The government does not shut down the roads, but must rebuild them repeatedly, using money that could be used more productively elsewhere. Deforestation is the number one cause of global warming. In his article â€Å"Deforestation: The Hidden Cause of Global Warming†, Daniel Howden explains â€Å"Carbon emissions from deforestation far outstrip damage caused by planes and automobiles and factories deforestation accounts for up to 25 percent of global emissions of heat-trapping gases, while transport and industry account for 14 percent each; and aviation makes up only 3 percent of the total† Deforestation results in the immediate release of carbon stored in trees as carbon-dioxide emissions. Trees are 50 percent carbon. When they are felled or burned, the carbon dioxide they store escapes back into the air. Carbon dioxide helps absorb heat; therefore too much carbon dioxide results in global warming. Costa Rica has an amazing conservation program that protects more than 10 percent of the country (Mongabay). One protected strip of forest runs for 40 miles, through nine ecological zones. The country presented a plan in 1995; to protect 18 percent of the country in national parks and another 13 percent in privately owned preserves. The country is targeting to protect the areas with the most biodiversity. The government funds the project by issuing landowners forest protection certificates, which will annually pay landowners about $50 for every 2. 5 acres of forest, with the agreement that the forest will be protected. In 2005, another program added Costa Rica to which wealthy nations were called to compensate poor nations for rainforest conservation. The amount of Costa Rican land deforested annually has declined since 1977, by 118,158 acres (Wikipedia). Around two-thirds of Costa Ricas remaining rainforests are now protected. Companies that are felling trees in Costa Rican forests are destroying the earth’s environment. These companies that contribute to deforestation are killing various species, and are ultimately harming the earth itself through greenhouse gas emissions. Costa Rica is doing a great job repairing their forests, and making sure that certain areas will remain untouched. Last year, the country passed a law that will decentralize their decision-making. The efforts the country is making to stop deforestation, is causing Costa Rica to stand out and show their commitment toward environmental and natural resources issues.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

West vs.World :: essays research papers fc

West vs. World â€Å"Every age , every culture, every custom and tradition has its own character, its own weakness and its own strength, its beauties and cruelties; it accepts certain sufferings as matters of course, puts up patiently with certain evils. Human life is reduced to real suffering, to hell, only when two ages, two cultures and religions overlap.† (Hermann Hesse.) It is difficult for any culture in the world to avoid the blending of cultures. In Marshal Sahlins essay, â€Å"Two or Three Things I Know about Culture†, he proved that almost all cultures are derived from another. Many countries do not agree with this theory because they believe that other customs, traditions are wrong and immoral. One the most criticize cultures in the world is Western Society. Although it is very well-known and widely practiced, it is still considered a deceiving, greedy and unethical the â€Å"Western way† is highly despised among different cultures. In Martha Nussbaum article,  "Judging Other Cultures: The Case of Genital Mutilation† she also mentions the loathing of Western society. Some may say that the Western capitalist state wants to be the superhero of the world. This society believes their way of living can improve any society that is suffering. However, the Western idea of suffering may not make sense to another culture. In fact, a culture with a different perception may even view the Western idea of success and happiness as suffering. This is a controversial topic that has been haunting cultures all over the world for a quite a long time. â€Å"†¦ethnocentric, a demonizing of another culture when we have many reasons to find fault in our own.† (Nessbaum, page 2) In â€Å"Judging Other Cultures: The Case of Genital Mutilation† Martha Nessbaum focuses on the practice of female genital mutilation and its controversy. Middle Eastern countries and Africa is where this procedure is illegal but commonly practiced. If one decides that she does not want to go on with the tradition she will be frowned upon among her society. Since FGM was proven that it can negatively affect a woman health more people have protested and been working hard to ban it. The Westerners are the main group involved in abolishing the practice. Then again, some are arguing that Westerners are contradicting themselves once again. â€Å"†¦the focus on this problem involves a Western glamorization of sexual pleasure that is inappropriate, especially when we judge other cultures with different norms.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lets Make Essay

Case Questions for Discussion 1. Define Lawn Care’s current strategic mission, strategy, competitive priorities, value chain, and how it wins customers. What are the order qualifiers and winners? Draw the major stages in its value chain without an application service. The Lawn Care Company defines its business strategy as the â€Å"highest quality grass seed and fertilizer in the world† while the competitor defines their business strategy as â€Å"beautiful lawns with no hassles.† Therefore, the Lawn Care Co. focuses on competitive priorities such as high product quality, delivery to retail store or golf course loading dock, and price. Product quality is the #1 competitive priority for the Lawn Care Co with price/cost #5. The competitor focuses on (1) high product quality, (2) no hassle application to the customer’s lawn, (3) higher margins on the application service than the physical goods, (4) customized 6 OM2 C4 applications as needed, (5) service encounter excellence, and (6) build ing a strong relationship with customers. Service quality is the #1 competitive priority for the competitor. 2. What problems, if any, do you see with Lawn Care’s current strategy, vision, customer benefit package and value chain design, and Pre-and postservices? Customers and Third Party Applicators Apply to Lawns OM2 C4 There will always be a market for self-service application for golf courses, parks, and residential lawns (like Scotts 1-2-3-4 self-service Four Step program sold at retail stores) but as the U.S. standard of living and disposable income increases, the market for lawn care application services will grow. The Lawn Care Co. is missing a major market opportunity but has time to catch up. Their current vision of the business focuses on perfect physical goods but that is not enough in today’s competitive markets! Services need to be bundled with the goods to help gain competitive advantage in this market. The strategy determines everything else! 3. Redo questions (1) and (2) and provide a new or revised strategy and associated customer benefit package and value chain that is more appropriate for today’s marketplace. What does operations have to be good at to successfully execute your revised strategy? The key to a good application service is (1) good equipment, (2) good seeds and fertilizer, (3) well trained employees with service management skills, (4) crew routing and scheduling of labor and trucks, (5) clean freshly painted equipment and crew uniforms (part of servicescape),  (6) right number of trucks and crews per area (capacity), (7) call center processes, and so on. 4. What are your final recommendations I would recommend that the services be restructured to produce more profit. Maybe there could be the possibility of hiring more employees, you could also create a company owned application service, and if the requests for your services become overwhelming then you could hire a third party local contractor certify them in Lawn Care products and equipment. In the end this could be a very productive and profitable business. If there is a desire to make this a successful venture, then you would have to be fully dedicated to it.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Comments Upon Sonnets from the Portuguese Essay

SONNET 13 In the first two lines of â€Å"Sonnet 13†, Elizabeth Barrett Browning asks Robert if he wants her to write how she feels about him. In lines 3 and 4, she uses the metaphor of a torch in rough winds, which is meant to enlighten what is between them. In line 5, she drops it and goes on to say she cannot describe what she feels between them. In lines 6 through 8, she says she cannot risk herself by describing to him how she feels, and that she will not. In lines 9 through 14, she goes on to say that her silence must act as an answer to his question, otherwise she will relate to him nothing but the grief she has suffered. tear violently SONNET 43 The second to last and most famous sonnet of the collection, Sonnet 43 is the most passionate and emotional, expressing her intense love for Robert Browning repeatedly. Elizabeth says in the second to third lines that she loves Browning with every aspect of her soul. She then goes onto say that she loves him enough that it meets the needs of every day and every night in lines 5 and 6. Through lines 7, 8, 9 and 11 Elizabeth repeats the phrase, â€Å"I love thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬  to build intensity and show emphasis. Line 7 says that she loves him â€Å"freely,† or willingly, as men who try and reach â€Å"Right,† which in this case could mean righteousness, or in correlation with the previous word â€Å"freely† it may mean freedom. Line 8 means that she loves him, as it says, purely, without any want for praise. It is interesting that line 9 says that she loves him as passionately, or intensely, as she experienced her old griefs or sufferings, and with a faith as strong as a child’s. This helps to transition into line 11, expressing she loves him as much as she used to love the saints as a child. And the last three lines state that she loves him with all of her life and, God willing, she’ll continue to love him that deeply in the afterlife. It is not surprising that this sonnet is so passionately written, as it helps to show how her love for Robert Browning grew intensely over time, starting out as nothing and blooming into a love that most of us could only wish to experience.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Early Colonies

There were various reasons why the American Colonies were established. The three most important themes of English colonization of America were religion, economics, and government. The most important reasons for colonization were to seek refuge, religious freedom, and economic opportunity. To a lesser degree, the colonists sought to establish a stable and progressive government. Many colonies were founded for religious purposes. While religion was involved with all of the colonies, Massachusetts, New Haven, Maryland, and Pennsylvania were established exclusively for religious purposes. Massachusetts's inhabitants were Puritans who believed in predestination and the ideal that God is perfect. Many Puritans in England were persecuted for their nihilist beliefs in England because they felt that the Church of England, led by the Kind, did not enforce a literal enough interpretation of the Bible. Persecution punishment included jail and even execution. To seek refuge, they separated to go to Holland because of its proximity, lower cost, and safer passage. However, their lives in Holland were much different than that of England. The Separatists did not rebel against but rather preferred the English culture. They did not want their children to be raised Dutch. Also, they felt that Holland was too liberal. Although they enjoyed the freedom of religion, they decided to leave for America. Pilgrims, or sojourners, left for America on The Mayflower and landed in Cape Cod in 1626. They had missed their destination, Jamestown. Although the climate was extremely rocky, they did n ot want to move south because of their Puritan beliefs. William Burns from class gives a good analogy of how it was back in the Puritans day... Free Essays on Early Colonies Free Essays on Early Colonies There were various reasons why the American Colonies were established. The three most important themes of English colonization of America were religion, economics, and government. The most important reasons for colonization were to seek refuge, religious freedom, and economic opportunity. To a lesser degree, the colonists sought to establish a stable and progressive government. Many colonies were founded for religious purposes. While religion was involved with all of the colonies, Massachusetts, New Haven, Maryland, and Pennsylvania were established exclusively for religious purposes. Massachusetts's inhabitants were Puritans who believed in predestination and the ideal that God is perfect. Many Puritans in England were persecuted for their nihilist beliefs in England because they felt that the Church of England, led by the Kind, did not enforce a literal enough interpretation of the Bible. Persecution punishment included jail and even execution. To seek refuge, they separated to go to Holland because of its proximity, lower cost, and safer passage. However, their lives in Holland were much different than that of England. The Separatists did not rebel against but rather preferred the English culture. They did not want their children to be raised Dutch. Also, they felt that Holland was too liberal. Although they enjoyed the freedom of religion, they decided to leave for America. Pilgrims, or sojourners, left for America on The Mayflower and landed in Cape Cod in 1626. They had missed their destination, Jamestown. Although the climate was extremely rocky, they did n ot want to move south because of their Puritan beliefs. William Burns from class gives a good analogy of how it was back in the Puritans day...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

History of Roads in America and First Federal Highway

History of Roads in America and First Federal Highway Transportation innovations boomed in the 19th century, including  steamships, canals, and  railroads. But it was the popularity of the bicycle that would spark a revolution in transportation in the 20th century and lead to the need for paved roads and the interstate highway system. The Office of Road Inquiry (ORI) within the Department of Agriculture was established in 1893, headed by Civil War hero General Roy Stone. It had a budget of $10,000 to promote new rural road development, which at that time were mostly dirt roads. Bicycle Mechanics Lead the Transportation Revolution In 1893 in Springfield, Massachusetts,  bicycle mechanics Charles and Frank Duryea built the first gasoline-powered motor wagon to be operated in the United States.They formed the first company to manufacture and sell gasoline-powered vehicles, although they sold very few. Meanwhile, two other bicycle mechanics, brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright, launched the aviation revolution with their first flight in December, 1903. The Model T Ford Pressures Road Development Henry Ford  debuted the low-priced, mass-produced Model T Ford in 1908. Now that an automobile was within reach for many more Americans, it created more desire for better roads. Rural voters lobbied for paved roads with the slogan, Get the farmers out of the mud! Federal-Aid Road Act of 1916 created the Federal-Aid Highway Program. This funded state highway agencies so they could make road improvements. However, World War I intervened and was a higher priority, sending road improvements to the back burner. Building Two-Lane Interstate Highways The Federal Highway Act of 1921 transformed the ORI into the Bureau of Public Roads. It now provided funding for a system of paved two-lane interstate highways to be built by state  highway agencies. These road projects got an infusion of labor during the 1930s with Depression-era job-creation programs. Military Needs Spur Development of the Interstate Highway System Entry into World War II swung the focus to building roads where the military needed them. This may have contributed to neglect that left many other roads inadequate for the traffic and in disrepair after the war. In 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had signed legislation authorizing a network of rural and urban express highways called the National System of Interstate Highways. That sounded ambitious, but it was unfunded. It was only after President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 that the Interstate program got under way. U.S. Department of Transportation Established The Interstate Highway System employed highway engineers for decades was a massive public works project and achievement. However, it was not without new concerns about how these highways affected the environment, city development, and the ability to provide public mass transit. These concerns were part of the mission created by the establishment of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) in 1966. BPR was renamed the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) under this new department in April  1967. The Interstate System became a reality through the next two decades, opening 99 percent of the designated 42,800 miles of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways. Source: Information provided by the United States Department of Transportation- Federal Highway Administration.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Evaluation essay (Women as Independent, Respected, Respectful, and

Evaluation (Women as Independent, Respected, Respectful, and Equal Human Beings to Men) - Essay Example The ideas of â€Å"liberty, equality and fraternity† inspired several women to fight for their rights. And now women are slowly gaining the right which will help them to stand on par with men in every aspect of life. Women are the embodiment of sacrifice, silent suffering, humility, faith and knowledge. Women have every right to occupy a position in the society which is equivalent to men. If all human-beings are equal how can we say women are inferior to men. To call women a weaker sex is a libel, its men injustice to women. If by strength it is meant brute power than women are weaker than men. If by strength it is meant moral power then women is immeasurably superior to men. Woman is the companion of men, gifted with equal mental capacities. She has the right to participate in all the debates, deliberations and activities and offer her suggestions along with man for bringing about a better social order. And she has an equal right of freedom and liberty with them. If the women are denied their rights the blame goes to men. Men have regarded women as his tool. She has learned to be his tool and in the end found easy and pleasurable to be such, because when one drags another in his fall the descen t is easy. If only the women of the world would come together they could display such heroic non-violence as to kick away the atom bomb like a mere ball. Women have been so gifted by God. If an ancestral treasure lying buried in the corner of the house unknown to the members of the family suddenly discovered, what a celebration it would occasion. Similarly women’s marvellous power is lying dormant. The wife is not the husband’s slave but his companion and his help-mate and an equal partner in all his joys and sorrows as free as the husband to choose her own path. We often hear behind a successful man there is a woman. This is hundred percent true. Without the encouragement of women, men cannot achieve anything. Today we find women in all walks

Friday, November 1, 2019

Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Anthropology - Essay Example This topic is important because it will assist an anthropologist to analyze the theories of evolution with a better stand. It is also essential since it tells about the origin of humans and it will help in determining the similarities in biological and physical characteristics of the beings in association with their area of origin. It will also help in determining the changes that have occurred in the human beings from their time of existence. Answer: The author presented an argument supporting the Out of Africa theory which states that today’s human beings evolved basically from Africa and around 100,000 to 200,000 years back. A research was conducted by a group of researchers from the University of Maryland in 2003 in Tanzania. This is an area presenting a population with diverse phenotypic differences. The mitochondrial DNA was analyzed and the changes in their genes were kept constant and the time for their evolution resulted to around 170000 years back which supported the fact of the Out of Africa theory. Two skulls were also discovered from Ethiopia which also upheld this fact that the period of development of today’s beings dates back to around 100000 to 200000 years. Answer: The author also presented with the Multiregional theory which provides explanation that human beings basically evolved from not just one location but the modern human beings actually originated everywhere around the world and they spread and went distant apart which led to the development of different racial characteristics amongst them. This hypothesis claims that the earliest remains of human beings will not be restricted to one area but will rather be found all around the world and that the recent human beings have evolved long time back that is more than million years back. The author then explained his arguments in favor of the Out of Africa hypothesis with strong evidences to support this theory above the Multiregional